
How to Choose The Right Colors For Your Brand

How to Choose The Right Colors For Your Brand

The colors of your business website can have a profound impact on your brand and, therefore, your success. So, it pays to get it right.

How do you pick colors for your website? It may seem like a simple question, but the answer is far more complex than you might think.

You can’t go wrong with a blue color scheme. From there, go for the next most popular option: Green.

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A brand is more than the product, service, or idea behind it. It’s also a whole lot of things, like colors, fonts, graphics, slogans, taglines, and more.

As an entrepreneur, you need to be on top of the latest trends in the market and your industry. This means keeping up with the latest branding techniques, materials, and products.

If you’re not careful, you’ll miss out on opportunities to use your brand in creative and impactful ways.

There are thousands of brand guidelines out there; which one should you use to define your company’s visual identity? What are some good rules of thumb for choosing a color palette?

In this article, we’ll go through a few different types of brand guidelines, how to apply them, and where to get a copy of the best of them.

To be clear, color is not just the color of the brand. The right colors can tell your customers what kind of brand you are and what your brand stands for.

Consider the Color Psychology

In psychology, there are four colors that are used to describe the emotional response they elicit: Red is associated with danger, excitement, and energy; blue is connected to feelings of peace and calm; yellow is associated with happiness and optimism; green is seen as healthy and positive.

So, which color do you think will evoke a better emotional response from your audience?

While there is some truth to this, most of the colors we associate with certain emotions aren’t necessarily the only ones.

There is evidence that red influences anger, green is a calming influence, orange is energizing, and black is an intense emotion.

Of course, these studies have been done through surveys of college students. So the colors that people associate with certain feelings may not apply to all people. 

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Know the Purpose Behind Each Color

The purpose of color in branding is to communicate the company’s message to a target audience in a specific way. Colors can be used for several different purposes depending on the business.

For example, colors can be used to promote a specific brand or product, such as Nike’s signature red or Apple’s green. They can also be used to reinforce a brand’s identity or to evoke emotions. 

Colors help to tell a story, and stories help us understand our world. Colors make us feel things, and emotions have a huge impact on our decisions and behavior.

Research shows that colors impact our brain’s ability to make decisions, and our decision making process. There’s no doubt that the right colors can make you feel different things—good and bad.

They can make you feel love, happiness, sadness, anger, excitement, fear, or calm. They also help tell the story of a product, and connect you to that product emotionally.

It’s important to use the colors in your brand in the right way.

Too much of anything can be overwhelming or distracting, which is why there are rules and regulations for what goes into each of those elements.

If you don’t have any color guidelines or standards in place, this is something you’ll need to address. 

Make Sure the Colors Work Together

If you’re designing a brand, you should definitely consider color scheme. People don’t just associate color with feelings; they also associate color with objects and categories.

For example, yellow is associated with summertime, while blue is associated with winter. If you want to make people feel warm and safe, use bright colors.

On the other hand, if you want people to feel confident and strong, use softer shades of brown or gray.

When it comes to picking colors, it’s best to avoid using two different colors that clash or seem too similar. Instead, select colors that complement each other.

To pick complementary colors, start with two primary colors that are opposite each other on the color wheel (red and green, for example).

Then add two secondary colors that are adjacent to the primary ones. Use a light version of the secondary color to balance out the darker primary and secondary colors.

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Make Sure They’re Consistent

Make sure you’re using the same color scheme throughout your site or mobile app. If you’re not, visitors will get confused and have to take a moment to figure out which brand colors are being used and which ones aren’t.

Color is a powerful tool for branding, and it’s important to keep consistent throughout your design. This is true whether you’re working with a brand design or creating your own. 

The colors you choose for your brand are a reflection of who you are. They give your audience a window into your personality.

Think about your favorite logo. Is it the green apple on the cover of Apple’s iPhone or iPad, the red and white stripes of the American flag, or the yellow smiley face on the McDonald’s logo?

Pick colors that are unique to your company. Choose colors that match your brand’s purpose. Use your color palette as your guide and let your audience experience the warmth of your personality through the way your brand uses its color palette.

Your brand colors need to match. They need to be cohesive. They need to convey the same message across all platforms. Make sure that the colors you choose are consistent with the rest of your branding. 

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Match the Colors of Your Website to Your Brand Identity

As you’ve seen above, different colors can be used to convey different meanings to the consumer. This principle of color psychology is one of the most important ways that a business can communicate effectively.

Using a consistent and identifiable brand tone across all of your website’s marketing materials will help ensure that your company stands out from the competition. And that, in turn, can be incredibly beneficial to your business, especially if you’re trying to build brand recognition and consumer trust.

One of the biggest mistakes I see small business owners make is failing to think about the color scheme of their website.

Whether it’s a small business website or an eCommerce store, the colors that you choose should be designed to match your brand identity.

Don’t just take my word for it—a quick Google search reveals a ton of research on this topic. 

Choose Colors Based on Function

If you need help picking colors for your brand identity, the color wheel can help you select some of the best combinations for your needs.

Start by choosing a neutral palette, such as grey, blue, or brown. Then choose from the primary, secondary and tertiary colors. 

Color is a very powerful tool for visual persuasion, especially in an industry where design plays a huge role in establishing trust.

A quick rule of thumb for choosing colors for your brand is to choose them based on the function of the color rather than the shape or style of the color.

This is because people’s perception of a color is not only influenced by the color itself, but by how it looks against the background it appears on.

The main goal of this is to choose a color that matches the overall mood or tone of the brand, and not just a specific element within the brand identity. 

Color Blindness? Be Prepared!

When it comes to color, people with a form of color blindness, color vision deficiency have trouble identifying or perceiving colors. In some cases, they may even be unaware of certain colors, like the colors red, green and blue.

It means your brand is missing a major target market. For example, the Starbucks logo, which has an orange hue to it, is difficult for some color-blind people to read.

So be prepared for this when launching your company’s new brand identity. If you are aware of any colorblind people who would be potential customers, make sure to design your new company image and colors to appeal to them as well.

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Ask Your Designer if There Are Any Issues With Your Color Choices

Your brand identity colors can play a huge role in the overall success of your business. It can be tricky to figure out what colors work for you, and it’s even trickier to stick to those decisions once you decide on them.

If the color palette you’ve chosen isn’t quite working, there’s still time to make changes. Designers often say they can’t change the color of something, but don’t let that discourage you.

If there are issues with the colors you’ve selected for your brand identity, your designer can suggest alternative palettes that you might like better.

Or, perhaps the color scheme doesn’t match the tone you want your business to project. Try looking for complementary colors, which might work well in a business’s logo.


In conclusion, color is one of those design elements that has the power to affect a person’s mood. Whether you’re using colors for branding or for product selection, you need to take into consideration the way your audience feels when presented with certain colors. The way we perceive color varies from culture to culture. So, you’ll want to make sure that you know the way your target audience reacts to certain colors so you can make informed decisions about the colors you use.

How to Choose The Right Colors For Your Brand
How to Choose The Right Colors For Your Brand

Written by Dave

Dave is the author and driving force behind the blog "" With a keen eye for the latest trends and strategies in small business and entrepreneurship, Dave has established himself as a knowledgeable and reliable source for anyone looking to start or grow their business. His blog features a wide range of topics, including advertising strategies, platform comparisons, cost-saving tips, and unique business ideas like quail farming, shrimp farming, and goat farming.

Dave's expertise is not limited to traditional business concepts; he also delves into the digital and creative realms, offering insights on making money through platforms like Twitch, SoundCloud, and NFTs. His practical guides on starting various businesses, from paint and sip ventures to cricket farms, reflect his diverse interests and deep understanding of different market niches.

With a passion for helping small business owners and entrepreneurs navigate the complexities of starting and running a business, Dave's blog serves as a valuable resource. His articles are not only informative but also reflect his commitment to providing cost-effective and innovative solutions for business challenges. Whether you're looking to make money online, start a unique agricultural venture, or learn about the latest digital trends, Dave's blog is a treasure trove of information and inspiration for aspiring and established entrepreneurs alike.

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